Always looking your best is a good idea in this modern age. Depending on where you live and who you spend time with, you can get video recorded or your photo taken at anytime. From security cameras to smartphones in everyone’s pocket, you never know when your image will wind up online. To always have great fashion sense, read on for easy tips.

If you’re wanting to be clean-cut and professional, it’s not just what you wear but how you look as a person. Personal hygiene is very important, and in order to be clean-cut, it takes extra effort in this department to have everything in line just right in order to have the right look.

To stretch your wardrobe’s versatility, fill your wardrobe with a variety of scarves and belts in different patterns and styles. You can use these to add a splash of interest to a solid colored top. You can use these in countless combinations to create a different look each time without needing to buy a different outfit.

One great fashion tip is to check not only the outside but the inside of a garment for how well it is put together. Quality stitching and materials that are used on the inside of a garment is probably a good sign that it was put together with care and that the designer knew what they were doing.

Do not use sponges to apply your liquid and cream based foundations and blushes. You will lose product in the sponge every time you do. Additionally, the sponge becomes a breeding ground for germs. Instead, use clean fingertips for application, switching fingers or cleaning them between different products or colors.

Skinny jeans are what is in style now. These kinds of jeans are snug around all areas of your body, from you waist and rear end, all the way down to your ankles. The best part of these jeans is that they look good with pretty much any pair of shoes!

When you are at the beach or pool, store your sunscreen in a cool place. Otherwise, the heat can change the chemical composition of the product, making it less effective. You can put it in a plastic baggie before putting it in your beverage cooler, or put it in a baggie with ice.

A bulging tummy can make your fashion experience a horrible nightmare. If you fall into this category, you need to make sure that you do something to fix your problem, as wearing the right clothes will not fix the problem in the long run. Try a combination of a healthy diet and a good exercise routine.

Use “instant buttons” to change the waistline of your pants. Instant buttons are little pins that look like buttons and can loosen or tighten your pants. They are affordable and that way, you can wear your pants whether you gain a little weight or have lost a few pounds in the middle.

When selecting a dress, choose one that has a vertical (rather than horizontal) pattern. This makes you appear longer rather than wider, giving the illusion that you are slimmer than you really are. Also, seek out a piece that has an empire waist, as it makes it seem like you have a smaller waistline.

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